Light ROM 4
Light ROM 4 - Disc 1.iso
000017_owner-lightwave-l _Wed Jun 15 12:02:20 1994.msg
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Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 10:52:08 -0600
From: Matt Mower <MATTMO@WordPerfect.com>
To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: Bernoulli Box -Reply
Sender: owner-lightwave-l@netcom.com
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Reply-To: lightwave-l@netcom.com
Taka Torimoto posted:
"I have a Bernoulli in my A4000 and after a few minutes, it seems to spin
down and "click" (The light flashes while it spins down, but it doesn't go
off like it does when you eject a cartridge). Then, when I try to access
it, it just hangs and I can't do anything with it... if I click on the Bernoulli
icon, it opens up a window, but it stays blank... it accesses the disk for a
second and it stops... how do I fix this??"
What SCSI controller are you using?
Iomega indicated that some of the C= controllers have a bug with the
If this is the problem, there are two ways to get around it.
1- You can get an AREXX script from Public domain that will wrtie a 0k
file to your Bernoulli every X minutes thus preventing the drive from
"going to sleep". This will decrease the life of the drive to some degree.
2- BACK UP YOUR BERNOULLI DISKS. Go to your formatting software
(I'm assuming that it is HDTools from C=). Under the drive info, in the
advanced options (I think), you'll find a setting for reselection. It is on by
default. Turn it off. This will mean that it will probably hose your partition
and you may need to reformat. This is what fixed my A4000/A2091
Again, there is a very good text file available from Iomega's BBS that
explains how to use the 150 Transportables with Amigas. Call
800-4thebox. Ask what their BBS number is.
Hope this helps.